Thursday, October 30, 2014

Let's fix Obamacare & properly handle infectious diseases in NY

Today, I expanded on my commitment to fix Obamacare and properly handle infectious diseases in the city.

As it relates to healthcare:

Increase community health centers and hospitals  by boosting incentives and promoting Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) that will increase access to high quality healthcare in NY7: 

PPPs improve service delivery by allowing the government to concentrate on setting policy and serving the public while the private sector takes responsibility for all other costly functions such as operating and maintaining the buildings. They are more Cost-effective by being able to manage costs more effectively than the public sector, PPPs will result in lots of savings that can be used to fund other needed services.   They increase investment in public infrastructure.  With PPPs the private sector would be investing their own funds in hospitals to serve our community. This reduces the initial capital cost taken-on by the city and controls its overall debt.  They reduce public sector risk:  This transfers the financial risk of the construction to the private sector, which is very willing, because they are more capable of managing buildings at a more cost-effective way to get a better return of their investment. This will result in a faster delivery of projects and higher levels of service for the people.

Reform Medicare: Give Seniors Better Choices.     

Older Americans should have access to coverage similar to the insurance plan Congress has and Medicare should also receive all the funds needed to reach solvency.

Without major reforms to the program, there is simply no way for the US to address the federal deficit, contain the national debt, or save Medicare itself from collapse.

By 2030, when the last of the Baby Boomers retires, there will be 77 million people on Medicare, up from 47 million today, and there will also be 30% fewer working people funding the program benefits of this much larger retiree population.

The primary cause for Medicare’s troubles is its enormous increase in costs.
Healthcare inflation has risen 48% last decade alone compared to the only 26% of the economy.
Providing a more expensive service to a rapidly growing population and at the same time drawing on a fast-declining group of taxpayers is a recipe for disaster. Therefore, it is impossible to fix this problem only by increasing the taxes that fund Medicare.


a.     Adjust the eligibility age for Medicare. Inducing more middle-aged people to remain in the work force will decrease the ratio of number of retirees per worker.

b.     Restore the tax subsidies (eliminated by Obamacare) that encourage employers to maintain private health coverage for retirees. This would take some of the burden off of Medicare.

c.     Engage private insurers in a competitive bidding war for equal health coverage of the elderly. Retirees who choose plans that cost less than the average bid will retain three-fourths of the savings by having it applied to any deductible.

d.     Address the problem of Medicare fraud. It is estimated that 8% and 13% ($60 to $100 billion) of the total spending of Medicare is fraudulent. Medicare processes over one billion claims per year, and is required by law to reimburse claims within 15 to 30 days. This makes it almost impossible to prevent criminal activity.

Increase tax credits to small businesses:  

Obamacare has dramatically increased the costs of health insurance forcing small businesses to reduce the amount of hours of their employees. Tax incentives will help them mitigate this cost.  The Small Business Health Care Tax Credit helps small employers afford the cost of providing health care coverage for their employees. Employers that have fewer than 25 full-time employees, pay average annual wages below $50,000, and contribute 50% or more of insurance premiums qualify for a credit of up to 50% to help offset the cost.

I believe that this incentive is still too low to motivate a small business to increase its operating costs by adding health insurance as a benefit to their employees.  This credit should reach 75% during the first three years and gradually decrease to 50% throughout the next five.

EBOLA:  Create a specialized First Response Unit for Highly Infectious Diseases

We are lucky to live in a city that has 8 hospitals that have been designated as Ebola ready, none of which are in District 7.  However the most crucial part of intervening with a possible Ebola case is right at the beginning, during the first response.  As soon as a there is an indication of a possible exposure to this disease the first team deployed should be a highly specialized one.

Even though our First Responders in NYC are all very well trained to handle this situation and have all the equipment necessary to keep them safe, a highly specialized group of responders with new and more specialized equipment could immediately eliminate any risk of any further cross-contamination.  This team should be equipped with a portable isolation pod that can be quickly transported to the site where the patient can be immediately enclosed in the pod to avoid any other human contact and any further contamination of the premises. The patient will remain in the pod during the transfer to the nearest Ebola safe facility. The more isolated we keep the patient the higher the probabilities of success in eliminating any threat.

We know that Ebola may not be the only highly infectious disease which we will have to deal with in the future, so creating a highly specialized team to immediately isolate and transfer these patients will virtually eliminate any possible threat to our community.

Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I would like to challenge Rep. Nydia Velázquez to a social media debate. 

In light of her total apathy to debate the real issues that concern hundreds of thousands of constituents in the district she got elected to rightfully represent, I must turn to social media platforms to let our voters know where candidates stand on issues that affect us all.

We need to address education, school retention, unemployment, the economy, matters of interest to our small businesses, health and safety concerns for the 700,000 plus residents of the district.  I represent the new majority of NY7.  A majority that no longer wants to stay silent and take on all the costs, taxes, fines and burdens without the corresponding accountability from their elected leaders.

Voters are entitled to know the options they have to represent them in Congress. I want to challenge Nydia Velázquez to a sound debate on the issues that are pressing our community.  It’s the least our people deserve.

If she does not want to come to the district she represents and debate the issues, maybe she can do it online. Repeating the same old pointers from previous elections, ignoring local media and constituents, but spending money on publicity stunts is a total disregard of the responsibilities she swore to represent on behalf of the citizens at NY7.  I will make her accountable, I will be here for the district.

Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 

Friday, October 24, 2014


I expanded today on my commitment with Education and School Retention.  Clearly, this has not been a priority for Rep. Nydia Velázquez at NY7, reason why we have a high unemployment level and our people, particularly our youth, can’t find jobs.
Today, 56% of the districts adult population has less than four years of high school education.  As an educator, I find this statistic alarming. It stifles our students’ and the districts ability to experience economic improvement. Im committed to identify federal resources for the expansion of NY7’s educational access, infrastructure and quality because I know that when our children receive the best, they will be the best.

My commitment is that the 7th District, the city and the state create proven and successful pathways for our budding generation. This includes expanding access to early education, blended learning, and college and career curriculums. In order to do this, I intend to promote public-private partnerships with community learning centers, NGOs and local colleges and universities. As such, we would provide our children, young adults and aspiring professionals with effective and reachable mechanisms to harness their potential.

Along with aligning curriculums to college and career readiness, I am committed to ensuring our students have early college access, classes and credits, so that they are encouraged and see the usefulness of their education in ensuring their success in life. Along with this kind of early college experience, we also need to provide students access to better technological and STEM infrastructure, to have real career experiences, helping them to create their pathway to work early on.

I will work to encourage local colleges and universities to also collaborate with local trade associations, faith based programs, NGOs and the small business community, aligning college careers to existing and new trades fitting market needs, developing the district's and city's potential and attracting new investments.

As an educator I know that bringing relevance to the education experience in the classroom, exposing our children to new opportunities and allowing those opportunities to contribute to their academic achievement will come a long way in encouraging retention levels and college access. It will also ensure students are encouraged to go to college or learn a trade to contribute to our community's economic development. A quality education is not just a right, I am committed to make it a road that increases economic opportunity and prosperity.



Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 

Friday, October 17, 2014


I want to share my commitment to create a model of sustainable living for the vibrant communities in the 7th District by combining discipline, sound planning and improving the natural and common areas that will bring prosperity to its residents.   By building strong alliances with public and private partners we will advance sustainable development throughout our communities.
Our efforts will concentrate on neighborhood activities that promote solar energy, water reutilization, recycling, waste reduction and tree planting while engaging the community, small business owners and local governments to facilitate and mediate sustainable change for the 7th district.
My proposal is centered on a three-year action plan to help create a well-designed city with distinctive neighborhoods, vibrant sectors, successful employment areas and an engaged community.  We will integrate restaurant owners, tenant associations and city workers to share in its bounty and help shape the district’s future. Small changes can lead to prosperous and long lasting results if we share common values and a distinct love for our living areas.

Protecting our environment and communities should not be addressed only by posting a message on social media with a canned slogan on Earth Day as Rep. Nydia Velazquez has done over the years.  Our commitment is to engage our residents and partner as a community towards the sustainable solution we all want for our district.

I will focus on working with folks from all backgrounds and interests to help broaden community involvement, from all sides of the aisle.  You don’t have to be a professional planner, architect, designer, scientist or expert in sustainability to get involved. It only requires true passion and the vision to make it happen.

Please donate to our campaign today.  Click here:

We are less than three weeks away from election day.  Your contribution will allow us to expand our commitment for NY7 and our nation.  Thank you for the support!

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Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Today I announced my commitment to EQUALITY and challenged Rep. Nydia Velázquez for denying equal rights to citizens, while pretending to defend the rights of immigrants.  I am for EQUALITY, Nydia Velázquez is not.  I am EQUALITY, she is not.

President Obama challenged the nation during his second inaugural address, where he demanded EQUALITY for ALL…  but both, Rep. Nydia Velázquez and President Obama have failed the nation for not being true to their words, now gone with the wind.  They have recurred to publicity stunts to give the impression that they are for EQUALITY, while failing to their false promises.

As a Puerto Rican American, born and raised on the island, I know what it feels to be a second class U.S. Citizen, not being able to vote for our Commander In Chief, not having proper representation in Congress, and simply not being treated equally as citizens.  I have been fighting for EQUALITY all my life, both in and out of Puerto Rico, and we have now reached the turning point, where we must demand EQUALITY for all citizens, without exceptions.

Puerto Ricans represent the second largest Hispanic group in the U.S.  The will of the majority must be respected.  Puerto Rico had a plebiscite on November 2012, and for the first time in history, citizens rejected the current colonial status, a failed system that forces thousands and thousands of Puerto Ricans to leave the island every day, the system which continues to adversely impact the quality of life of its citizens at all levels.  It is shameful to see Nydia Velázquez, a Puerto Rican member of Congress, utilizing her influence in Washington to deny citizen rights to her own people, while again, giving the impression to be advocating for the Puerto Rican community, which she clearly does not represent.

The 7th District has a significant Puerto Rican population of approximately 120,000.  These fellow Puerto Ricans have a vested interest in what is happening to the community at large.  They have family members on the island who day to day are suffering the consequences of this failed system and the improper influences from Rep. Nydia Velázquez, constantly denying their rights.

I would like to highlight the relevance of this situation as it relates to immigration reform.  What kind of hope can immigrants and other Hispanic groups have from Nydia Velázquez’s promise that she will defend their rights, when she is denying rights to her own people?  While President Obama has been deporting more people than any other president, Nydia Velázquez has been silent.  Why is voting for the president, having senators and representatives good for immigrants and bad for U.S. citizens from Puerto Rico?

I am committed to comprehensive immigration reform, which recognizes the value of the great majority of immigrants who proactively contribute to the social and economic development of our nation, and also securing the border, in response to our national security interests.  I am committed to comprehensive immigration reform, and people need to know if their representative in Washington is willing to defend the rights of its citizens.

I would also like to share my commitment to marriage equality by saying that it is time to recognize equal rights for same-sex couples, along with the protections, responsibilities and commitment it entails. 

Listen… there is only one EQUALITY… Hear me well… you are either for EQUALITY or against it.  I am committed to EQUALITY for ALL.

Please contribute to our campaign online @

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Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress