Monday, November 3, 2014


I'm committed with the artistic community at NY7 by proposing the creation of The Williamsburg Arts District and reinstating arts education programs in schools. 

I pursued formal studies in piano performance at the Puerto Rico Conservatory of Music.  As an artist, I understand the value of arts education as a integral component in the development of an individual.  I have talked to musicians, dancers, painters, photographers, filmmakers, and many others throughout the district.  I feel their energy through NY7, and realize that we must do something greater.

Williamsburg, Brooklyn has the infrastructure, resources and talent to turn the area into a world-class arts district as a model for economic development.

What has Nydia Velázquez done for the artistic community in NY7?  What has she done to recognize the work of artists who share their energy with the city?  She has not secured federal funding available to keep arts education programs in schools, reason why many departments have been closing in schools. 

I commit to finding federal resources to structure a master plan for the creation of The Williamsburg Arts District, where we can provide incentives for artists to remain in the city.  Unfortunately, many have moved out as a result of the higher cost of living.  We need to refurbish old building/warehouses and turn them into workspaces and housing facilities.  Artists don’t have an adequate workspace that would allow them to remain in the city and continue with their work.  There are only a few galleries left in the city… we must bring them back!

We have to see this as an integral model for economic development.  It’s good for the artists, good for small businesses in the area who will see the benefit of increased activity in the arts district, good for residents who appreciate arts and culture, it will attract more tourism, it’s good for the economy and good for the city.  It’s an initiative that should have been secured a long time ago.  As an artist myself, as part of this community, I am committed to secure the funding to make it happen, just as we have seen it in other U.S. cities and abroad.

I will close my campaign for Congress this evening, stopping by Beautique Restaurant in Manhattan and performing with my friend Natascha Bessez and her ensemble at 8:30pm.

We have done the work, I have connected with constituents throughout NY7, shared our message and our commitment for education, economic development, equality, comprehensive immigration reform, sustainable living, public safety, health and the arts.  It’s now time to VOTE!  Time to JOIN THE NEW MAJORITY @ NY7

Twitter:  @JLFNY7
Instagram:  JLFernandezForCongress 

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